I’m guessing that you don’t often think about your kidneys – those little bean-shaped organs that help filter waste from the body. But you may want to reconsider and give these filtration gurus some more attention because there’s a whole slew of health benefits gained by caring for your kidneys. One of the easiest ways to improve their detoxification function is to use herbs that support healthy kidneys.

How Do the Kidneys Work?
Before we get into the herbs, let’s talk some more about the kidneys themselves.
The kidneys help filter waste and toxins from your lymphatic system and blood. In addition, they support the liver in detoxing your body of environmental chemicals, drugs, and alcohol. Also related to these functions, they support stable blood pressure and red blood cell production. They also control the body’s acidity levels and balance electrolytes.
Through working hard to complete these various tasks, the kidneys help prevent the development of chronic disease.
It all sounds pretty important, right?
How Can You Care for Your Kidneys?
First, you can care for you kidneys by eating a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, and staying well-hydrated.

In addition, you can add certain herbs for healthy kidneys into your diet. You can consume these herbs in the form of supplements or by adding them as seasonings to your food. They can help prevent the build up of toxins in your lymphatic system that can lead to chronic and serious health conditions.
Please note that you should consult with your doctor before you start taking any form of herbal supplements that might impact your kidneys. According to the National Kidney Foundation, individuals with kidney disease should be cautious with taking herbal supplements. The organization notes that some herbal products can harm the kidneys and aggravate kidney disease.
Still, those who don’t suffer from kidney disease can benefit from incorporating certain herbs and herbal supplements into their diets. They can be a great source of preventive care.
9 Herbs that Support Healthy Kidney Function
With all that said, let’s talk about the best herbs for maintaining healthy kidneys:

- Parsley. Readily available and easy to find, parsley acts as a natural diuretic and helps rid the body of toxins. It can also help prevent the buildup of bacteria. Furthermore, it can help reduce high blood pressure that’s related to kidney function.
- Ginger. Techincally not an herb, but studies show that ginger provides antioxidants that help dissolve kidney stones.
- Dandelion. This herb supports detoxification of the body through the kidneys, bladder, and liver. It increases urine production. It’s also chock-full of magnesium and potassium that help nourish the kidneys.
- Corn Silk. This herb helps minimize inflammation and fluid retention.
- Marshmallow Root. This root provides antioxidants that help detox the kidneys so that they can then work harder to detox the entire body. It also encourages the flow of urine to remove toxins from the body.
- Celery Root. This root helps stimulate the flow of urine to remove toxins from the bloodstream. It’s also a great source of potassium, which supports kidney function.
- Milk Thistle. This herb helps remove free radicals from the kidneys and blood stream.
- Turmeric. With its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric protects the kidneys from harmful microorganisms and inflammation.
- Astragalus. This herb has antioxidant and diuretic properties.
To Sum It Up
The kidneys play an important role in detoxifying the body and since the kidneys work so hard to keep you healthy, they deserve a little extra care from you.
To support healthy kidneys, you should eat a nutrient-dense diet and maintain a regular exercise routine. It’s also important to drink plenty of fluids to help the kidneys flush toxins from the body.
In addition, you can add herbs that support healthy kidneys into your diet by using them as seasonings in your food or consuming them in supplement form.
In short, you take good care of your kidneys so that your kidneys can take better care of you!
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