Is your glass half-empty or half-full? Do you believe the world is against you or working with you? Your thoughts make a huge impact on your life every single day. Whether positive or negative they will affect how you approach your daily tasks, goals, relationships, finances, work, family life, hobbies, health and fitness goals. What are you thinking?
“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” ~ Willie Nelson
Before trying to achieve a health and fitness goal, the most crucial point to getting those results is how your mind is set. A positive thinker knows they can achieve the results, whether it’s to get stronger, run faster or lose body fat, they know that they just need to approach the journey properly and they will achieve the desired outcome. A negative thinker will encounter struggles with going to the gym, making changes with their diet to be healthier too difficult and will focus on how hard it is to change, all whilst making excuses along the way.
The more positive you become, the more likely you are to achieve the health and fitness goals you desire. One of the best ways to help you become a positive thinker and get the results you desire is to focus on gratitude.
Practice Gratitude
Appreciate as much as you can in the life that you have now. Yes you can make changes but it is always easier to make those changes when you become aware of your current situation and feel grateful for every part of your surroundings. This is one of those very simple tasks you can do to bring positivity in to your life.
Here are a few ways to show gratitude every day to help you appreciate all that you have now in your life.
1. Take Note of Yourself
Before you pour energy into others, focus on yourself. Take note of what you are grateful for about you. Every morning write down three things you appreciate about yourself – it can be internal or external – for example, you love your eyes, your body for growing a human being and birthing a baby, and your passion for an adventurous life.
2. Accept Your Body
Every morning look in the mirror and tell yourself you love you. You can do this clothed, in underwear or naked, whatever you do focus on you and appreciate your whole being for being here in this moment and learn to accept your whole body. You are remarkable and it is time to appreciate all of your beautiful body.

3. Take Note of Loved Ones
After writing in a gratitude journal about yourself, write what you are grateful for with your loved ones. Whoever is in your life – partner, children, parents, siblings, best friend – those loved ones who hold a special place in your heart, focus on who comes to mind that day and write down what you appreciate about that person.
4. Give love
To feel fully in the moment and enjoy what life has to offer bring your attention to sharing love. This can be done in many ways with your partner, children, family, friends, colleagues, strangers. Smile at people, compliment someone on something you love about them, write a note to a special person, hug and kiss your loved ones, call or message someone you haven’t spoken to in awhile and connect with them, plan a date for your significant other and make them feel special. Giving love is a simple way to show gratitude.
5. Listen More, Speak Less
A simple way to express gratitude for others is learning to listen to them. Sometimes all you have to do is stop talking and connect with that person and let them speak their heart to you. Being able to create a space of open communication with one person listening and the other talking is an incredible tool for showing appreciation.
6. I Love You
The most simple way to show gratitude in life, but can easily be forgotten, is telling someone “I love you”. It is powerful, simple and a very positive way of sharing love and gratitude. If you struggle remembering to do all of the above, come back to these three effective words which will enhance your life and relationships.
Focusing on gratitude, and learning to do this with yourself, your loved ones, and daily life, has so much power to transform your life and have huge impact on creating an enriched life filled with love.
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