When you want to slim down, skip the need for elite equipment and do some jump rope exercises instead. For full-body conditioning, fighters have long been using jump ropes to get their body in ring shape, as it’s a great way to efficiently strengthen muscles in the arms, back, shoulders, and legs, while also pumping up your stamina.
Even better? It’s super cheap! A basic adjustable jump rope, such as the Benran Speed Rope, starts around $5. This rope will take you far, but as you build skill and speed, you may want to step up your jump rope game and go for something built for better performance, such as Every Rep Stronger’s Premium Jump Rope.
As you may remember from childhood days of packing your jump rope to play with at recess, this slim, lightweight apparatus is easy to put in your purse or luggage or to keep in your office drawer at work. That means you can do jump rope exercises just about anywhere, including in your driveway, in your work parking lot during lunch, in a hotel room while traveling, or on the beach from some sand-resistance.
Getting Started with Jump Rope Exercises
If it’s been some time since you hopped and skipped your way through this old-school form of exercise, it’s time to get reacquainted. First, make sure that your jump rope is adjusted to fit your

height. Stand with one foot on the middle of the jump rope, and hold both handles in one hand. Beginners should aim to have the handles come to shoulder height, while those more advanced can go to the armpit or lower. Take a few rotations to get the feel.
If you’re tripping over the rope without trying anything fancy, you may need to swing the rope off to the side with the handles in one hand, while jumping in place. This can help you to find your rhythm without getting your feet tangled up. If you don’t think rhythm is the problem, pay attention to where you’re holding the rope. The rope will swing better and with more speed if you hold the handles closer to the ends instead of inching up on the rope. Play around until you get the hang of it.
Jump to It
Now that you and your rope have become BFFs, it’s time to tackle a workout. While you could just stand and jump single rotations all day long, that will get boring fast. Instead, we’ve mixed it up interval style, so that your body can burn fat efficiently in a short time, while also helping to strengthen your body from head to toe.
0:00 – 1:00: Single Jumps
On each turn of the rope, jump with two feet together.
1:00 – 2:00 Backward Single Jumps
Same as the first minute, but this time you are swinging the rope backward instead of forward.
2:00 – 3:00 Marching Figure-Eights
Marching in place, hold the rope ends in both hands and swing the rope to each side, making a sideways figure-eight motion with your hands.
3:00 – 4:00 Jumping Jacks
On your first rotation, jump and land with your legs at hip distance. On your next rotation, land with your feet together. Continue this pattern for a full minute.
4:00 – 5:00 Reverse Jumping Jacks
Same jumping jack motion, but swinging the rope backward.
5:00 – 6:00 Side Toe Touch Figure-Eights
Stepping side to side, hold the rope ends in both hands and make that sideways figure-eight motion with your hands.
6:00 – 7:00 Front-to-Back Jumps
On your first rotation, jump and land with your feet about 6 inches in front of you. On your next rotation, land with your feet about 6 inches behind you. Continue this front-to-back pattern for a full minute.
7:00 – 8:00 Reverse Front-to-Back Jumps
You know what to do: switch rope directions on your front-to-backs.
8:00 – 9:00 Bunny Hop Figure-Eights
Take light bunny hops in place while swinging your rope in a sideways figure-eight motion.
9:00 – 10:00 Side-to-Side Jumps
On your first rotation, jump and land with your feet about 6 inches to the left of center. On your next rotation, land with your feet about 6 inches to the right of center. Continue this pattern for a full minute.
10:00 – 11:00 Reverse Side-to-Side Jumps
Switch rope directions on your side-to-side jumps.
11:00 – 12:00 Standing Figure-Eights
Make your figure-eights while standing in place and catching your breath.
12:00 – 13:00 Single Leg Hops, Left
On each turn of the rope, jump on just your left leg.
13:00 – 14:00 Single Leg Hops, Right
Switch feet and jump on just your right leg.
14:00 – 15:00 Sprint Jumps
Pick up the speed of your single jumps and really end this workout, giving all you’ve got. How fast can you go?
You did it! Grab a drink of water, walk it off, and don’t forget to stretch.
What is your favorite jump rope exercise? Share with others in the comments!
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