With the days shorter and the nights longer, finding the energy and motivation to get up and moving can be quite the task during winter. For those times when you don’t feel much like being active, but know you need to fit in some fitness, try these exercises, which can all be done lying down–yet can still whip you into shape.
Weighted glute bridges: Give your booty and core a great midsection workout by simply adding a bit of weight. You can use standard gym weights–kettlebells, dumbbells, or barbells–or if you’ve taken to your living room floor, you could even use your well-behaved child, dog, or cat (just be sure to keep safety first). To do, lie on your back with your arms at your side. Bend your knees and place your feet about hands-length away from your butt. Place the additional weight on your hips, using a mat or pillow for cushioning if needed. Lift your toes and press through your heels to raise your hips up and toward the ceiling. Slowly lower back down to complete one rep.
Rear sculpting lift: Your buns will really feel the burn with this small movement exercise. To do, lie on your stomach with your head resting on your hands. Place the arch of your right foot on your left calf with your bent right knee resting to the side of you on the floor. Raise your right knee off the ground (it will be a small lift), hold it for three seconds before lowering to the floor.

Scissors plus skull crushers: Bring your arms in on the action for some full body fitness. To do, lie on your back and extend your legs straight up into the air. With weights (or even soup cans) in your hands, extend your arm into the air so that your hands are above your shoulders. Separate your legs in a scissors motion so that one leg comes toward you and the other moves toward the floor. At the same time, bend your arms at the elbows so that the weights lower right above your head. Reverse the scissors as your extend the hand weights back the the straight arm position.
Side-to side ball rotation: Fire up your core with this intense ab motion. To do, lie on your back with your legs extended toward the ceiling from your hips. Place a ball (small or large) or throw pillow between your feet. With your arms out to the side in “T” formation, tighten your core and squeeze your feet at the sides of the prop as you slowly lower the ball toward the floor on your right side. Keep your legs straight throughout this motion and try to maintain control. Touch the right side and then raise back up to the top. Repeat this motion switching off between the left and right sides.
Perform a circuit-style program, doing each exercise one right after another without stopping. Complete three rounds total, only resting for one minute between each round.
- Weighted glute bridges, 60 seconds
- Rear sculpting lift, 30 seconds, each leg
- Scissors plus skull crushers, 60 seconds
- Side-to side ball rotation: 60 seconds
- Rest, 60 seconds
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