Have a bun in the oven? It’s important to do everything you can to stay crazy-healthy for the new life that’s feeding off you, including exercising. This doesn’t mean starting a circuit training or kickboxing routine while pregnant, however, there’s plenty you can do to stay active and fit if knocked up. Check out what you should and shouldn’t do in terms of exercising while preggers:
If You Have Any Of These Conditions, For God’s Sake, Put Down The Resistance Band
Exercise during pregnancy is not the best idea if you have any of the following conditions: asthma, diabetes or heart disease. If you wish to stay active, talk to a health professional about the best course of action. Should you have any of the following pregnancy-related conditions, you need to refrain from working out: low placenta, bleeding or spotting, weak cervix, threat of or past miscarriage and history of early labor/premature births.
Recommended Exercises That Won’t Hurt The Bun in the Oven
Recommended exercises while germinating include those that are -surprise!- low impact. What’s awesome about low impact workouts is that they’re just as effective as exercises that make you weep. Try swimming, which works the muscles while keeping the heart healthy. It also provides the opportunity to experience weightlessness when you’re feeling like a beached orca. Dancing is another recommendation, though avoid twirls, leaps and jumps. Walking is a great workout you can do no matter how pregnant you are, as it keeps you fit without stressing the knees and ankles. Be sure to wear super-supportive shoes while out for a brisk walk.
Low-impact aerobics is another option that offers little risk of injury and can be performed up until you go into labor. Join a class with other moms-to-be and enjoy this safe form of exercise. You can also try tennis or racquetball, however the more weight you gain, the more likely it is you’ll tip over while playing.
Prenatal yoga is another popular low-impact option. In addition to keeping you fit throughout pregnancy, the practice stresses deep breathing and relaxation, which is important in terms of pushing that baby out of you-know-where. It also helps you learn to relax despite the demands of motherhood. If possible practice with a prenatal yoga instructor. If that’s not an option, make sure to tell your yoga teacher that you’re expecting. There are a number of poses that work especially well for pregnant women.
Definitely Don’t Do These!
Exercises that are not going to help you during gestation include deep knee bends, double leg raises, straight toe touches, full sit-ups, and sports where you can very likely wipe out, such as skiing or horseback riding. Contact sports of any kind, such as basketball or football are big no-nos, as are any activities that require a lot of running, bouncing, jumping, hopping or skipping, as with softball or baseball.
Workouts and activities that include jarring motions and rapid changes in motion are unsurprisingly not great as they can traumatize the abdomen.
Additional Tips For Staying Fit and Healthy
Additional exercise-related tips for pregnancy include refraining from holding your breath during any activity, following intense workout regimens with periods of extreme sitting, bouncing while stretching and exercising in very hot, humid weather. Get at least seven to nine hours of sleep per night, and take frequent breaks from whatever you’re doing to get up and move around. It’s also a good idea to scale back on non-work-related activities so you don’t wear yourself out. Foods rich in protein and iron will aid the fatigue you feel from iron deficiency anemia.
Remember to talk to your doctor before beginning any fitness routine while pregnant, and enjoy a happy, healthy pregnancy!
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