Once the scale moves in the wrong direction or a bit of bulge makes a comeback, it’s easy to feel like all hope is lost. Here you’ve worked so hard to make such big gains–or in the case of fat burning, losses–and all of a sudden the new smaller-sized wardrobe that was making you smile is now feeling a little snug and sad.
You have two choices: Throw in the proverbial towel and figure you’re a lost cause. Or realize this is a minor setback and get over it.
If you didn’t already guess that we’d advise you toward the latter, you simply don’t know us well enough. You’ve got a lot of reading to catch up on!
Gaining weight is not the end of the world. Is it disappointing? Sure. You worked hard to get to get your health moving in the right direction. The last thing you expected or wanted was to take two steps back. But it simply means you have a little bit of work to do to get right back on track. However, if you’re in more of “lost cause” mode and are too blinded by frustration to motivate yourself back to better health, might we suggest you at least avoid the following:
Ditching Meals: If you went overboard the past week on dinners, desserts, and cocktails, that doesn’t mean you should starve yourself today. Skipping regular meals and snacks can cause your body to hang onto every source of energy because it thinks food isn’t coming. Instead focus on eating clean, small meals, and drinking lots of water to rid your body of toxins while at the same time helping to keep your cravings in check through proper hydration.
Obsessively Exercising: If you’ve fallen off your workout routine, ease back into fitness. If you were exercising four days a week for an hour at a time. Start out with two days a week for 30 minutes to avoid muscle fatigue, pain, or injury. Slowly get back to where you were, making sure that the intensity level feels appropriate for fat burning.

Tossing Your Skinny Jeans: OK, so your more petite pants might feel a little tight, but give it time and a bit of effort, and you’ll slip right back into the slimmer size. If it upsets you to see cute clothing that you can’t wear right now, hide them in the back of your closet. Just make sure that they don’t become “out of sight; out of mind.” If you want to wear those again, maybe having them around as a reminder is a good thing.
Being a Bully: Like the bumper sticker says, “Mean people suck.” Don’t be mean to yourself. Life is not perfect, and you are not perfect. Setbacks happen, and how you rise to respond to them will define your character. If you beat yourself up over this, you’ll only flatten your confidence. Instead, compliment the things that you like about yourself and celebrate the small victories in life. And while we’re at it, don’t be mean to other people either. Yes, gaining weight can be frustrating, and make you cranky. Still, it’s no reason to take it out on those around you. Instead, ask for support from your friends and family when you feel like you’re in a rut.
Ready to get over it? Really, you have no other healthy option. The weight is there; oh well. Once you let it go, it will go.
What tricks do you have for overcoming a setback? Share with others in the comments.
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