You know you should drink water; it’s an essential component of your body making up 80 percent of your mass. Staying hydrated is one of least expensive ways to maintaining your health–just turn on the faucet and drink. And don’t forget that water aids in digestion–helping to “keep things moving.” It rids the body of toxins, can help curb hunger, and can keep muscle cramps from cramping your style. We could go on all day, but if you’re not drinking enough water, it likely has less to do with the benefits. If figuring out how to stick to it is where you get stuck, here’s a roundup of 11 tips that will hopefully help you live more hydrated.
Water time; drink up! One for one: There’s a good chance that you drink something throughout your day–coffee, soda, beer? Instead of trying to stop drinking those things, start with matching each one with an 8oz of water. For every non-water drink you take in, drink one glass of water.
Go for the bubbly: There’s something about carbonation that quenches thirst better than just plain water. If you agree, try sparkling water, such as La Croix, Klarbrunn, or San Pellegrino. Many of these even come naturally flavored–no calories, no sodium, and no sweetener–but still taste!
Steep and brew: A hot cup of tea–or even a glass of unsweetened iced tea–counts for your H2O intake. And if you need your caffeine, here’s a way to get your water and mini-jolt in one. And what’s great is that there are more flavors and types of tea than you can count. Keep trying and you’re sure to find a flavor for you.
Skip the scurvy: It’s amazing how a squeeze from a wedge of lemon or lime can change the taste of water from something bland to something grand. Plus you’ll get a nice little boost of Vitamin C.
Make a list and cross it off: If you’re a fan of the daily to-do list, be sure to add eight (or whatever number you’re aiming for) “drink water” bullets. As you complete each one, cross it off. As you cross off more to-do list bullets, drinking water becomes a game.
Start your meal with a drink: Drink a glass of water before you begin eating each meal and every snack. If you eat five times a day, that’s five glasses of water right there. The added bonus? The water will help you to feel more full, which should help prevent overeating. Think of it as liquid willpower.
Drink water with every meal: This is just like step 6, but now you’re drinking water throughout your meal. Be sure to keep a periodic eye on your water level as you eat. Take pauses to put down your fork and drink up.
Get an app for that: Put your smartphone to work. Try an app such as Drink Water or iDrated, which keeps track of your daily water intake and provides hydration alerts. It’s the techie way to take in all the water you need.
Reward yourself: Just like any new habit that you’re trying to develop, rewarding your progress is mandatory. Set up water goals for yourself and small prizes for reaching them.
Partner up: If you work with other people, ask around to find someone else who wants to drink more water. By pairing up, you can make sure that each person has a full glass of water. And since some people drink slower than others, you can each serve as reminders to get up and get more water, or to drink a little faster. You might also have a potty pal, since you’ll be peeing a lot more.
Have it on hand: Drinking water is difficult when you don’t have any to drink. For days when you know you’ll be particular busy–or lazy, fill up a bottle big enough that you only need to drink about two or three of them throughout the day, which limits how often you have to fill up.
With as many great ways to take in the H20 as there are benefits of drinking it, you no longer have any excuses not to be hydrated. Bottoms up; it’s time to drink to (and for) your health!
How do you take your H2O? Tell us in the comments!
[…] recommended amount of water that you should drink in a day seems to change depending on the study. The most common is the […]