If you don’t have time to get to a gym, simply don’t want to go to a gym, can’t afford gym membership, are a stay at home mum or just love the idea of exercising in your humble abode, then home workouts are perfect for you.
There are so many options for how to get fit, feel great and enjoy workouts beyond always having to lift weights at a gym. Of course, lifting weights is fantastic and has many benefits for us ladies, however don’t forget the simplicity of doing workouts at home with minimal or no equipment which will still keep you fit and feeling amazing.
The beauty of home workouts is it cuts costs, avoids travel time to a gym and allows you to more easily fit it into your lifestyle. It takes away the pressure to have to get to the gym if it really doesn’t suit or excite you. When exercising at home you can just do bodyweight exercises, or you can make a small investment with equipment such as a skipping rope, resistance band, TRX, gymnastic rings, kettlebell, dumbbells, pull up bar, and/or a barbell. You don’t need all of this equipment, but it just shows how much variety you can still have with your workouts if you have a little extra cash to spare that in the long run is still cheaper than a gym membership.
Get fit at home with these 6 effective workouts!
1. Bodyweight Circuit
4 to 6 sets, do as many sets as possible for what feels good. The work time is 30 seconds with a 30 seconds rest between each exercise. After completing each full set of 6 exercises take a rest of 30 to 60 seconds, then start the circuit again.
- Squats
- Tricep dips (using a step, bench or sturdy chair)
- Plie squat
- Press-ups
- Glute bridge
- Plank
2. Push, Squat and Sprint
- 10 push-ups, followed by 10 bodyweight squats, followed by a 10 second sprint. This workout is best done outdoors. Do as many rounds for what feels good.
3. Kettlebell Blast
4 sets of each exercise with minimal rest between sets:
- Front (goblet) squat x 10-12 reps
- Strict shoulder press x 10-12 reps (either hold one KB with both hands, or have a lighter KB in each hand)
- Romanian Deadlift x 10-15 reps
- Single arm press x 10 reps (each side)
- Walking lunges (weight held at the chest) x 10 reps each side
- Bent over row x 10-12 reps
- Sumo stance KB squat (hold the KB with arms extended between the legs) x 10-12 reps
- Bicep curls (hold one KB with both hands) x 10-12 reps
4. Super Strong Workout
4 sets of each exercise, take the rest that is required between sets:
- Chin ups x 6-8 (using the pull up bar, use a band for assistance if required)
- Push ups x 8-10 (go to knees if required)
- Bodyweight squats x 20
- Walking lunges x 12-15 each side
Then: 3 sets of each exercise, with minimal rest between sets:

- Resistance band bicep curls x 10-12
- Resistance band tricep extension x 10-12
- Close hand position push ups x 8-10
- Plank x max hold
5. Cardio without Running
3 to 6 sets, 30 seconds of work with minimal rest between each movement. AT the end of each full circuit take a 30 to 60 second rest.
- Rope skipping
- Walking lunges (no weight)
- Kettlebell swings
- Push ups
- Mountain climbers
- Bodyweight squats
6. Dumbbell Workout
This workout involves just one or two light dumbbells that you might have sitting around that can be put to good use.
4 sets of each exercise then move on to the next movement. Take minimal rest between sets.
- Push-ups x 10-15
- Glute bridges x 20
- Tricep dips x 10-15
- DB shoulder press x 10-12
- DB bicep curl x 10-12
- DB tricep extension x 10-12
- DB lateral raise x 12-15
- DB front raise x 12-15
- DB hammer curl x 10-12
Aim to workout at home three times a week, on the other days go for a leisurely 30 to 60 minute walk, a bike ride, a steady paced run, stretches at home or yoga. Get fit for your own lifestyle, make it fit your goals, enjoy the workouts, eat delicious food, feel amazing and most importantly get fit for you!
Which workout will you try first? Got any questions? Please comment below to share your thoughts.
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