Are you choosing pj’s by the fire rather than trainers to run the hills?
To be honest the first part sounds amazing and there is no reason to not enjoy the cosy feeling of winter, but keep that for the evening when it is time to relax and unwind with a delicious mug of hot cacao. During the day when the body is at its prime to exercise, keep it energised, fit and healthy even when the days are colder. Your mind, body and soul will feel revitalised by keeping it moving through winter.
If you kick back the winter slump and keep on track with your health and fitness goals, your body will continue to reap the rewards. However, you can change the pace slightly and take a different route to help remain positive and uplifted.
For those who are starting to fall off the wagon now that the weather is changing, here are 10 easy tips to keep motivated during the season.
- Wrap Up – Whether you exercise indoors or outdoors start wearing better clothing to keep body temperature right. Wear longer socks, gloves, a hat, a few layers on the top half (that way you can take layers off if you get too warm), compression tights and top.
- Try Something New – If you use a gym facility that has classes, give these a go. Even if it is just for the odd few sessions, if it helps motivation then get stuck in.
- Bangin’ Tunes – Update your ipod/music system and crank up the music for your workouts.
- Go Green – Following on from points 1 and 2, wrap up and get outside! Go for a gentle jog or give hill sprints a go. Feel the fresh crisp air as you take a stride through the beauty of nature.
- Find a Buddy – Start training with a friend or your loved one. Having a bit of fun with others may give you that boost you was lacking, and it might be something you continue into the brighter season next year.
- Hire a Coach – If you have access to an in-person personal trainer or good quality online coach who can programme your workouts, give this a go for the winter season. A good coach will motivate, inspire and help you.
- Focus on the Benefits – Remember why you started exercising during the warmer months, those reasons still apply when it gets a little colder. If the goals have changed overtime, then re-set your goals and focus on them. Having a focus and a good plan will give your motivation a big boost!
- You Don’t Have to Spend – If money is a concern during this time of year due to the festivities looming, don’t worry, there are options to workout without paying for a gym membership. Head to a park and go for a steady run, do some hill sprints, workout at home doing bodyweight movements, do some stretches or yoga.
Boost your mood with a warming soup! - Keep it Simple – Rather than pushing yourself too much, create a simpler workout programme that gives you energy rather than drains you. If you usually workout for one hour, cut it down to 30 to 45 minutes. If you usually go heavy with the weights, focus on lighter weights and technique. If you usually do long, steady cardio sessions, instead do shorter bursts of high intensity interval sessions.
- Eat! – It is important to still eat great food during winter. Food full of protein, fats, carbohydrates and many nutrients will give you energy, ward off colds and make your mind, body and belly feel good. If you usually have salads, go for roasted vegetables. If you usually have a sandwich, go for soups. If you usually have chicken with veg for dinner, go for a venison stew with lots of vegetables.
Give these 10 easy tips a go to help your motivation this winter. You may surprise yourself with a new routine you enjoy and want to continue into the new year.
What helps you stay motivated during winter?
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