It is pretty simple to build strength, fitness, stamina, balance and flexibility without equipment once you have the knowledge pieced together. Bodyweight exercises are effective at giving results, all that is required from you is your zest to get started and space to move around!
Part three of this no equipment workout series brings the movements together into five workouts that you can do anywhere – home, garden, park, whilst travelling or at a friend’s house. You can use whatever surroundings motivate you and fit your lifestyle, then use the backdrop as your “equipment” for a fun and efficient workout. There is no reason to feel that you can’t exercise if you don’t have weights or a bike as your body is a super tool for challenging yourself at so many levels that you will be amazed at your own capabilities.
Be sure to check out Part One and Part Two which explain how to do the standard movements that feature in the below workouts. If you are unsure of any of the movements be sure to look online for a demonstration.
These five workouts offer a great variety depending on what it is you want from a workout. If you enjoy a different mix each time you exercise then you can rotate the workouts each week, if you fancy targeting a specific area then there is a legs and booty workout, or if you simply want a short cardio blast to fit your busy schedule then the HIIT workout will be perfect for you. From heart-pumping squat jumps to leg-burning lunges to core-blasting planks, these no equipment movements will leave you feeling empowered by the knowledge that your own body is strong and can achieve so much without machinery or tools to push you along. You can do this!
Get fit, strong and energised with these no equipment workouts!
1. Full Body Circuit
4 to 6 sets, do as many sets as possible for what feels good. The work time is 40 seconds with a 20 seconds rest between each exercise. After completing each full set of 6 exercises take a rest of 30 to 60 seconds, then start the circuit again.
- Inchworm
- Plank to Push Up
- Mountain Climbers
- Triceps Dip
- Squats
- Side Lunges
2. HIIT Cardio Blast
Complete as many rounds as possible of the circuit in 5 minutes. Then rest for 2 minutes. Repeat the circuit (with the rest) for another two to three times making the total workout time 15 to 20 minutes.

- 10 Mountain Climbers, each side (20 in total)
- 15 Squats
- 10 Push Ups
- 10 Walking Lunges, each side (20 in total)
3. Muscle Building Workout
4 sets of each exercise, take the rest that is required between sets:
- Standard Squats x 10 to 15
- Push Ups x 8 to 10
- Triceps Dip x 8 to 10
- Sumo Squats x 10 to 15
Then: 4 sets of each exercise, with minimal rest between sets:
- Forward Lunges x 10 each side
- Wide Hand Position Push Ups x 8 to 10
- Glute Bridges x 20
- Side Plank x max hold each side
4. Legs and Booty Workout
4 sets of each exercise, take the rest that is required between sets:
- Walking Lunges x 10 each side
- Standard Squats x 10 to 15
- Reverse Lunges x 10 each side
- Sumo Squats x 10 to 15
- Glute Bridges x 20
To finish:
- Squat Jumps x 50
5. Intense Core Workout
Complete 4 to 8 sets of the circuit, with minimal rest between sets:
- Wall Squat x max hold (aim for 60 seconds)
- Bodyweight Squat x 10 to 15
- Plank Up and Down x 10
- Right Side Plank x max hold
- Left Side Plank x max hold
- Flutter Kicks x 10 each side
For more home workouts that include minimal equipment check out 6 Effective Home Workouts. And to keep costs at a low check out How to Exercise for Free (or Cheap).
Which workout will you try this week?
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